I dynoed my car on 14 January 2012 at GT Auto to see the performance gain after changing to FGK extractor + Hotbits muffler. Guess what? I am extremely happy with it. I'm glad to have listened to Drex at EA Autoworks. Before this, was contemplating between several exhaust brands, WORKS, Hotbits, Everco etc., at last, I decided to go with my current setup for just RM1000. As compared to, something double that price? [except for everco which is quite well priced but it's not stainless steel].
Ever since I changed my exhaust, I felt an improvement and this feeling has just been confirmed with a dyno. Note that both dynos [now and my first dyno] were done in GT Auto on the same machine.
So what is the performance gain? Let the picture do the talking.
I passed both my dyno charts to Drex and he overlayed them. Hence this picture. The copyright of this picture belongs to Drex which was used with his kind permission. |