15 May 2011 marks a very special day because it is on this day that me and my neo had an accident. On that fateful day, myself, Izrin, Amir, Syed, GFX, Yehlai and DJ decided to go on a midnight drive on the Klawang route. We all started the drive around 12 midnight and few corners after we passed the beautiful dam, my car understeered badly into the drain. I was shell shocked as to how it could happen. Well, it was a dearly mistake as my front rim was broken, the rear rim was scratched badly, my drive shaft bengkok, my door slightly out of shape, bumper cracked and many other damage that was later detected in Proton SC.
Before the drive, I was feeling very uncomfortable with my car as I have adjusted my camber setting and not only that I wasn't used to the new setting, it felt weird for me and I was yearning for my old original setting. But after the warm-up session, I managed to overcome those hard turns and was able to build up my confidence with the new setting. For some reason, I decided that I was going back to the tyre shop to adjust back to my old setting the next day. Well, sad to say that I didn't get to carry out that decision because, after the warm up session. I decided to up the game a little (seeing that I managed to clear the warm-up session) and was driving close to my usual speed, each corner passed gave me slightly higher confidence which induces me to increase more pressure on the pedal. Until, this particular corner, a huge sweeping left hander, my car understeered right off the road and onto the drain. I was shell-shocked for it was the first time that I was caught by such heavy understeer. Maybe, I think, maybe I pushed the car beyond my driving ability and beyond the car's safety limit. I guess, I was going at too high a speed. Truly a good lesson for me. I forgotten my sifu's words to me, don't push to the limit on the street. The street is, afterall, a very limited stage. Safety comes first. Well, in the midst of having that much fun on the touge, one tends to forget the basic.
So my car was stucked in the drain, Izrin, Amir, Syed, GFX, Yehlai and DJ all worked together tirelessly to help me pull the car out. Seriously, words cannot express how much I appreciate their presence there that night. Without anyone of them, I don't think things will go as easy as that night.
Firstly, thanks everyone for helping out in getting the car out. Especially Izrin and Syed who had to go around finding solid object as a platform for my car to roll out of the drain. Well, according to Syed, he claimed to have seen a white cloth or commonly known as a "kain kapan", a type of cloth which is used to cover dead bodies among the malay community. Apparently Syed and Izrin lifted a nearby wooden plank before Syed started running for his life leaving Izrin behind, who then slowly put down the wooden plank and left too.
Secondly, thanks to GFX, you are like running a mobile clinic with all the useful tools in place. From carpet to hydraulic jack. Seriously, they are a huge life saver. Without them, we would be stucked there longer. Also to Yehlai who is one of the coolest guy I've seen. I'll forever remember the crazy anxiety when we failed to keep up with the tow truck which was towing my car!!
Amir and DJ, thanks for your laughter and companionship that night. Of course, special thanks to amir for being the last car. I don't think that's a nice place to be. LOL. Again, thanks everyone who cruised at 10km/h on klawang that night together with me. It must be very boring and tiring for you guys. I'm so sorry for the trouble. Special thanks also to Syed who went to find help at the police station. Special mention must also be given to both GFX and Yehlai who both accompanied me to Kajang police station. It was around 7 am when it was all done. Somemore Yehlai had to work the very next day. You guys are the real angel.
I'll forever remember what you guys did for me that night. Of course, my car stucked in the proton service centre for almost 1-2 months.
Well it'll be sometime before I can drive with you guys again.
Sigh |
Ouch |
See, the thing is bent?
What become of my rear rim
New rims :) |
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